3rd New Dentist Boot Camp
Everything a New Canadian Dentist Needs for a Successful Start!
1. Marketing for New Dentists | Dr. Abbas Naqvi, Director CIDE
2. Dental Employment for New Dentists | Kimberly Pacula , AVP at AOD
3. Dentist in the Lion's Cage | Dr. Neil Gajjar, Immediate Past President AGD
4. Dental Associate-ship Agreements | Vic Jindal, Jindal Financial
5. Introducing Sinclair Dental | Peter Jugoon, VP Special Markets
6. Basic Dental Legalities | Michael Kutner
7. Basic Accounting for New Dentists | Karen Shek
8. Basics of Branding | Natalia Decius
9. HR Concepts | Nava Sarooshi
10. Dentistry Disrupted | Vic Jindal
11. Patient Experience | Shawn Peers
12. Empowering your Team with Technology | Peter Li, ClearDent
13. Buying & Selling Practices | Jackie Joachim, ROI Corp.
14. Soft Skills for New Dentists | Angie Drinic, Dent-Cents